Date:     Monday, Jan. 22
Time:     3:45pm
Place:    1610 EH (Engineering Hall)

Title:    ECE 600/New Student Orientation

Speakers: John A. Gubner,     ECE 600 Organizer
          Willis J. Tompkins, Department Chair
          Nicholas Hitchon,   Assoc. Chair for Grad. Studies
          Donna M. Lewis,     Senior Admin. Program Specialist

Program:  o  This is orientation is open to ALL graduate students.
             It should be most useful to students enrolled in
             ECE 600 and to new spring students.
          o  Professor Gubner will give a brief summary of
             the requirements for the ECE 600 Seminar Series.
             A handout will be distributed listing the current
             schedule of seminars for the semester.

          o  Professor Tompkins will welcome new and continuing
             students to the department.
          o  Professor Hitchon will review the graduate program
             and requirements.

          o  Donna Lewis will provide information of interest
             to all graduate students such as mailbox locations
             ECE facilities, financial aid, etc.