How to create Matlab plots that look good in LaTeXed documents for the
IEEE Transactions
to see examples and a description of how to do it, including Matlab scripts.
Making plots with GNU/Octave
3/8/2014: Updated instructions on how to typeset the LRT in LaTeX. New command definition replaces my shorthand \ds with its definition \displaystyle.
7/17/2012: Updated instructions on how to typeset the LRT in LaTeX. New command definition reduces space surrounding the LRT symbol.
3/20/2012: Added instructions on how to typeset the LRT in LaTeX.
1/10/2012: Updated code for makedenshist.m to have optional output
arguments to return minZ and maxZ instead of printing these values.
8/12/2011: Updated code for histograms and for changing default color of bins. Now the details are buried in subroutines (functions).
6/9/2011: Added code for histograms and for changing default color of bins.
File "explain.shtml"
last modified Tue 15 Oct 2019, 01:45 PM, CDT
Web Page Contact: John (dot) Gubner (at) wisc (dot) edu