Systems Seminar

On Robustness and the Zeros of Multivariable Polynomials

Prof. Bob Barmish
UW ECE Department


Many robustness problems can be reduced to testing whether a given multivariable polynomial f(x) has a zero with x in the unit cube X. The motivation for the research to be described in this seminar is that results in the literature, aimed at solution of this general problem, involve computational effort which increases exponentially with respect to the dimension of x and the degree of f(x). To address this undesirable growth rate, we introduce the notions of "conditioning" and "volume of violation" into a reformulation of the robustness problem. Subsequently, we describe a general method for robustness analysis, involving symbolic integration, which is shown to work well whenever the pair (f,X) is not ill-conditioned.

Time and Place: Mon., Mar. 10, at 3:30 pm in 4610 Engr. Hall.       *** NOTE SPECIAL DAY ***


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