Systems Seminar

Exploiting Feedback for Low-Delay Ultra-High-Reliability Communication

Prof. Stark Draper
ECE Dept.


In this talk I'll discuss a theme of work that seeks to develop fundamental architectural insight into how the availability of feedback should impact the design of physical-layer communication systems. I describe how the availability of feedback radically shifts the achievable tradeoff between reliability and latency in digital communications. We'll see how this tradeoff is further modified by the particular data consumption characteristics of one's application (say, block-based-FTP versus streaming data). By bringing such architectural insight to bear on network protocol and error-correction code design we hope to boost massively the performance of myriad applications that have either very tight delay or reliability tolerances, such as streaming video or control over networks.

Keywords: block coding, erasure decoding, noisy feedback, streaming transmission

Time and Place: Wed., Apr. 30, at 3:30 pm in 4610.


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