Systems Seminar

Unless noted otherwise, all talks are on Wednesdays starting at 3:30 pm

Schedule for Spring 2007

Date Location Speaker Title
Jan 31 4610 EH Rob Nowak Compressed Sensing and Blind Sensor Array Calibration
Mar 14 4610 EH Akbar Sayeed Cognitive Wireless Communication and Sensing in Time, Frequency, and Space
Mar 28
4610 EH Hassan Foroosh Where and When Are These Pictures Taken?
Mar 30
2:30 pm
3609 EH Negar Kiyavash Statistical Methods for Multimedia Forensics

Next Semester, Fall 2007

Previous Semester, Fall 2006

File "scheduleS07.shtml" last modified Tue 15 Oct 2019, 01:45 PM, CDT
Web Page Contact: John (dot) Gubner (at) wisc (dot) edu