Systems Seminar

Schedule for Spring 2009

Date Location Speaker Title
Feb 16
4610 EH Ali Pezeshki Low-Complexity Active Sensing: Asking the Right Questions
Mar 3
2:30 pm
4610 EH Mario Figueiredo Non-Extensive Information Theoretic Kernels with Applications to Text Classification
Mar 12
1:15 pm
3609 EH Prakash Ishwar Interactive Function Computation: A Distributed Block Source Coding Perspective
Mar 23
3:30 pm
4610 EH Michael Joham MMSE Precoding with Modulo Receivers
Apr 13
9:55 am
4610 EH Saad Saleh Recent Advances in Geophysics
Apr 23
1 pm
4610 EH Martin Wainwright Inference in High Dimensions: Trade-offs between Computational and Statistical Efficiency
Apr 30
1 pm
2534 EH Bobak Nazer Exploiting Interference through Structured Codes

Next Semester, Fall 2009

Previous Semester, Fall 2008

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Web Page Contact: John (dot) Gubner (at) wisc (dot) edu