Systems Seminar

Convergence and Optimality of Opportunistic Scheduling Algorithm

Dr. Vijay G. Subramanian
Global Telecommunications Solutions Sector
Arlington Heights


With an abstraction of serving rate-adaptive sources on a broadcast-type wireless channel as a utility maximisation problem, it is shown how one can design many intuitive online scheduling policies based upon the feedback that one obtains at the scheduler. Using a stochastic approximation argument it is then shown that the constructed algorithms converge to optimal solutions of the utility maximization problem over different sets which critically depend on the quality of the feedback information. We then apply the theory developed above to the downlink in a CDMA based wireless network. In terms of operational variables the problem is to select a subset of the users for transmission at each transmission opportunity and for each of the users selected, to choose the modulation and coding scheme, transmission power, and number of codes used. We refer to this combination as the physical layer operating point (PLOP). Each PLOP consumes different amounts of code and power resources. Thus, the task is to pick the ``optimal'' PLOP taking into account both system-wide and individual user resource constraints that can arise in a practical system. Using an information theoretic model for the achievable rate per code results in a tractable convex optimization problem. By exploiting the structure of this problem, we give algorithms for finding the optimal solution with geometric convergence. We also use insights obtained from the optimal solution to construct low complexity near optimal algorithms that are easily implementable. Numerical results comparing these algorithms are also given.


Vijay G. Subramanian received a B.Tech. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in 1993, a M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1995, and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1999. Since November of 1999 he has been with the Global Telecommunications Solutions Sector, Motorola, Arlington Heights working on radio resource allocation and channel-aware schedulers for wireless data. His research interests include wireless and communication networks, information theory and queuing theory.

Time and Place: Fri., Dec. 9, at 1 pm in 3534 Engr. Hall.       *** NOTE SPECIAL DAY, TIME, & ROOM ***


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