Systems Seminar

A Unified Formulation of Diagnosability in Continuous and Discrete Event Systems: Perspectives for Hybrid Systems

Louise Travé-Massuyès
LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France


This work concerns diagnosability analysis, which proves a requisite for several tasks during a system's life cycle. The Model-Based Diagnosis (MBD) community has developed specific approaches for Continuous Systems (CS) and for Discrete Event Systems (DES) in two distinct and parallel tracks. The correspondences between the concepts used in CS and DES approaches are clarified and it is shown that the diagnosability definitions are formally equivallent using the concept of fault signature. These results bridge CS and DES diagnosability and can benefit to hybrid systems diagnosability analysis.

A framework for analyzing the diagnosability of a hybrid system that stands on these results is proposed. The approach relies on merging the fault signatures exhibited at the continuous level into the Mode Automaton that represents the discrete dynamics of the system, so that DES diagnosability analysis can be performed on the resulting Behavior Automaton and the corresponding diagnoser.

Hybrid diagnosability properties are shown to be useful for Active Diagnosis. When the state of the system is ambiguous, an analysis of the diagnoser allows us to point at reconfiguration actions that safely move the hybrid system into a mode reducing ambiguity. Reconfiguration actions are hence used to disambiguate the tracked estimated system state, i.e. to produce a more precise diagnosis, guided by the diagnosability properties of the system.


Louise Travé-Massuyès received a Ph.D. degree in 1984 specializing in control systems, and an Engineering Degree in 1982 in control, electronics and computer science, both from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA); an award from the Union des Groupements d'Ingenieurs de la Region Midi-Pyrénées; and D.E.A. in control from Paul Sabatier University in 1982, all in Toulouse, France. She was awarded the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches from Paul Sabatier University in 1998. She is currently a Research Director of the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), working at LAAS, Toulouse, France, in which she leads the “Diagnosis and Supervisory Control” Research Group.

Her primary research interests are in Qualitative Reasoning and Model-Based Diagnosis. In France and Europe, she played a major role in structuring this community, creating and leading several collaboration programs in this area, including the MQD program and the currently active IMALIA French group. She has been active in bridging the Artificial Intelligence and Control Engineering Model-Based Diagnosis communities, as leader of the BRIDGE Task Group of the MONET European Network. She has been responsible for several industrial and european projects and published more than 100 papers in international conference proceedings and scientific journals. Her current responsibilities include: member of the IFAC Safeprocess Technical Committee; member of the European Network of Excellence MONET Steering Committee; member of the French CNRS Network RTP 20 on "Diagnosis, Reliability and Safety" Steering Committee. She is a Senior Member of the IEEE Computer Society.

Time and Place: Tue., July 18, at 1 pm in 3444 Engr. Hall.       *** NOTE SPECIAL DAY, TIME, & ROOM ***


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