Systems Seminar

Unless noted otherwise, all talks are on Wednesdays starting at 3:30 pm

Schedule for Fall 2005

Date Location Speaker Title
Aug 29
2534 EH Mario A. T. Figueiredo Image Segmentation Under Wavelet-Based (and Other) Priors
Sep 28 4610 EH Rob Nowak Active Learning
Oct 19 4610 EH Barry Van Veen Beamspace Signal Processing for Magnetoencephalography and Electroencephalography
Oct 26 4610 EH Yu Hen Hu 3D Human Face Recognition Using Summation Invariants
Nov 8
1:30 pm
3609 EH John Langford Agnostic Active Learning
Nov 16 4610 EH Akbar Sayeed Wireless Communication and Sensing in Time, Frequency, and Space
Dec 9
1 pm
3534 EH Vijay G. Subramanian Convergence and Optimality of Opportunistic Scheduling Algorithm
Dec 12
2:30 pm
3609 EH Dror Baron Distributed Compressed Sensing

Next Semester, Spring 2006

Previous Semester, Spring 2005

File "scheduleF05.shtml" last modified Tue 15 Oct 2019, 01:45 PM, CDT
Web Page Contact: John (dot) Gubner (at) wisc (dot) edu