Systems Seminar

Unless noted otherwise, all talks are on Wednesdays starting at 3:30 pm

Schedule for Spring 2008

Date Location Speaker Title
Jan 30 4610 EH Paul Milenkovic Vector Space Methods in the Mobility of Machine Mechanisms
Feb 27 4610 EH Yi Ma A Sparse Representation Perspective on Face Recognition
Apr 16 4610 EH Clay Scott Transductive Anomaly Detection
Apr 30 4610 EH Stark Draper Exploiting Feedback for Low-Delay Ultra-High-Reliability Communication

Next Semester, Fall 2008

Previous Semester, Fall 2007

File "scheduleS08.shtml" last modified Tue 15 Oct 2019, 01:45 PM, CDT
Web Page Contact: John (dot) Gubner (at) wisc (dot) edu