Systems Seminar

Schedule for Spring 2010

Date Location Speaker Title
Feb 4
4 pm
4610 EH Shamgar Gurevich Finding the Three Dimensional Structure of Molecules That We Don't Know How To Crystallize
Mar 17
4 pm
4610 EH Gert Lanckriet Multimodal Music Search and Discovery
Mar 25
4 pm
4610 EH Raj Rao Nadakuditi Random Matrix Theory & Limits of Weak Signal Detection, Estimation and Clustering
Apr 8
4 pm
4610 EH Stark Draper Divide & Concur and Difference-Map Belief Propagation

Apr 12
2:30 pm
3609 EH Venugopal V. Veeravalli IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecture
Understanding and Managing Interference in Wireless Networks
Apr 21
3 pm
4610 EH Aditya Ramamoorthy Network Coding for Function Computation
May 27
4 pm
4610 EH Alex Dimakis Network Coding for Distributed Storage: Directions and Open Problems

Next Semester, Fall 2010

Previous Semester, Fall 2009

File "scheduleS10.shtml" last modified Tue 15 Oct 2019, 01:45 PM, CDT
Web Page Contact: John (dot) Gubner (at) wisc (dot) edu