Systems Seminar

Schedule for Fall 2009

Date Location Speaker Title
July 9
1 pm
4610 EH Michail Matthaiou Generic Framework for the Condition Number Distribution of Complex Wishart Matrices
Sep 24
2:30 pm
4610 EH Yonina Eldar Xampling: Analog-to-digital at Sub-Nyquist Rates
Nov 23
2:30 pm
2341 EH Ami Wiesel Decomposable Gaussian Graphical Models: Covariance Estimation and Principal Component Analysis

Next Semester, Spring 2010

Previous Semester, Spring 2009

File "scheduleF09.shtml" last modified Tue 15 Oct 2019, 01:45 PM, CDT
Web Page Contact: John (dot) Gubner (at) wisc (dot) edu