Systems Seminar

Unless noted otherwise, all talks are on Wednesdays starting at 3:30 pm in 4610 Engr. Hall.

Schedule for Fall 2000

Date Speaker Title
Sep. 13 Jim Bucklew Importance Sampling Techniques in Monte Carlo Simulation
Sep. 27 Chris DeMarco Electric Power Network Response to Random Demand Variations: A Large Deviations View on Voltage Collapse Phenomena
Oct. 11 Bill Sethares Exploiting Sparsity in Equalization Algorithms, or What's wrong with my HDTV?
Oct. 25 Yu Hen Hu Active Learning for Internet Information Retrieval
Nov. 8
Noon in
2239 EH
Ashwin Ganesan A Virtual MIMO Framework for Exploiting the Degrees of Freedom in Multipath Fading Channels
Nov. 29 Akbar Sayeed Modeling and Capacity of Multi-Antenna Multipath Channels
Dec. 6 Pavel Shcherbakov Random Spherical Uncertainty in Estimation and Robustness

Next Semester, Spring 2001

Previous Semester, Spring 2000